All About Digital Photography

Compact and DSLR Camera - Advantages

Compact Camera Advantages
  • Live view rear LCD (although most newer SLR's have this feature)
  • Greater range of pre-programmed creative modes
  • No mirror/shutter mechanism that can fail after ~10-100K shots

SLR Camera Advantages

  • Faster camera auto focus
  • Much less shutter lag (delay between pressing the shutter and starting the exposure)
  • Higher maximum frame rate
  • RAW file format support (although most high-end compact cameras have this)
  • Ability to take exposures longer than 15-30 seconds (using manual or bulb mode)
  • Offers complete manual exposure control
  • Ability to use an external flash unit (but many high-end compact cameras have this)
  • Manual zoom control (by twisting the lens as opposed to using an electronic button)
  • Greater range of ISO speed settings
  • Ability to upgrade just the camera body and keep all of one's lenses

However, many of the above differences follow from the fact that one often spends a lot more on an SLR than a compact camera, and aren't necessarily inherent to each type. If one spends enough on a prosumer/high-end compact camera, they can often attain many of the above features typically found with SLR cameras.


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